Tuesday, August 26, 2014

8/17 Mt. Jackson

Jackson, I took a coworker up for her first 48, she was an avid photographer, and honestly her talent exceeds mine ten fold. On to the mountain..Jackson, from all my weather reports 72 degrees sunny perfect day for a hike..weather disagrees, cold raining fun. Even the sky was not forgiving for the most part of the day. Whiteouts and fog, but you know what good company and a good trail, it doesn't matter.
2.5 Miles no problem right...
The trails, were a mighty muddy, and wet, the trees and mushrooms vibriant with color. Lots of fallen trees, overflowing streams, and my favorite thing in the world, wet rocks and roots. The hike itself, i would consider on a normal day easy. This day even with things being a bit wet, not so bad. There is a sweet overlook of the AMC center, right at the start. I think this was the only clear view of any distance i got before things turned white with fog.
Amc center looking down plus Saco Lake
About half way up, we met this guy who was training to run the presidents for some challenge, i guess there is a timed how fast you can cross all of the presidents, I guess after seeing all 48 that might be amazing, but I hike not to rush but to surround myself with nature and find peace. After hearing his tale, we said our goodbyes and moved on up to the next trail to the peak.
Almost there!
From this sign its pretty, much lots of falling trees including across the path, some evil looking roots, and alot of fog. Deep mud, and spooky looking mushrooms, so pretty much what I'm saying its awesome. We got to the peak, its a straight shot up some rocks to the sign but you couldn't see anything five feet in front of you. The wind was cold and forceful, we got a picture and tried to head down to Webster, instead I took us the wrong way trying to get off the summit fast. I mean it was brutal cold winds. We ended up at the Mizpah spring hut, which added some miles on.
Stephen Kings the mist anyone?
Overall a nice wet, crazy trail day, totally enjoyed it. Another 4000fter off the list.
Keep going friends.

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