Tuesday, August 26, 2014

8/17 Mt. Jackson

Jackson, I took a coworker up for her first 48, she was an avid photographer, and honestly her talent exceeds mine ten fold. On to the mountain..Jackson, from all my weather reports 72 degrees sunny perfect day for a hike..weather disagrees, cold raining fun. Even the sky was not forgiving for the most part of the day. Whiteouts and fog, but you know what good company and a good trail, it doesn't matter.
2.5 Miles no problem right...
The trails, were a mighty muddy, and wet, the trees and mushrooms vibriant with color. Lots of fallen trees, overflowing streams, and my favorite thing in the world, wet rocks and roots. The hike itself, i would consider on a normal day easy. This day even with things being a bit wet, not so bad. There is a sweet overlook of the AMC center, right at the start. I think this was the only clear view of any distance i got before things turned white with fog.
Amc center looking down plus Saco Lake
About half way up, we met this guy who was training to run the presidents for some challenge, i guess there is a timed how fast you can cross all of the presidents, I guess after seeing all 48 that might be amazing, but I hike not to rush but to surround myself with nature and find peace. After hearing his tale, we said our goodbyes and moved on up to the next trail to the peak.
Almost there!
From this sign its pretty, much lots of falling trees including across the path, some evil looking roots, and alot of fog. Deep mud, and spooky looking mushrooms, so pretty much what I'm saying its awesome. We got to the peak, its a straight shot up some rocks to the sign but you couldn't see anything five feet in front of you. The wind was cold and forceful, we got a picture and tried to head down to Webster, instead I took us the wrong way trying to get off the summit fast. I mean it was brutal cold winds. We ended up at the Mizpah spring hut, which added some miles on.
Stephen Kings the mist anyone?
Overall a nice wet, crazy trail day, totally enjoyed it. Another 4000fter off the list.
Keep going friends.

July 18th Seek the Peak Mt. Washington

My words here will be humbled, as this mountain made me aware of how small I am compared to the world. This was a fundraiser for the Obs, I had lots of great people and several companies donate to me, and i felt really good about how well I did. Bucklers, MJ Quaility tire, Charr Custom Boats, Kingman Yatch and a bunch of my friends all really kicked ass. We started early, and Ian who has hiked Washington before many times lead the way. It's great to do something like this with someone that knows pretty everything about outdoors in this world. A great teacher and friend, he took us up the Tuckermans Ravine trail.
Here we go!
The trail up to the base area is what you would expect, alot of rock, alot of water falls and 3 bridges, when you hit the last bridge you know you have about quarter of a mile till base. Where the real amazing views start, don't get me wrong I probelly took about a hundred pictures just on this little part but when you hit the base, you are like blown away in awe.  So to kinda describe what happens, you come out of the woods, you see this mid area cabin, and boom, like a giant bolt of holy crap batman, you are surrounded. I seriously stopped in my tracks for a good view and was completely silent.
Hillman's in the background.

From there, you think wow, this can't get more amazing but friends, it does, we hiked up the trail after having a snack and some pictures of some mini falls, a bear bag, and working on how to better my macro shots. And headed towards Lunch rock, this was a semi tough trail, alot of gripping some tree limbs at points to pull yourself up, and a couple of steep step ups on rocks, but overall not what i was expecting. I thought this would be breakneck, toughest mother in the world. So far in my head so good. About half way through this there is a mini cave we sat down took some more pictures of the falls, yes I know I'm not showing you everything Washington needs to be explored..once in your lifetime go, if you do nothing else in life. Do this.
Ian, shortly before Lunch Rock and the cave area.
After you get through this area and hit the peak of Tuckerman's this is where the real pain actually starts, its called Boulder valley, and the reason is, every rock is a boulder the size of a volvo. This to me is why they say hardest mountain in new england, I struggled, long jumps and long strides put a beating on your knees. I think I actually said we needed to stop twice on this, and for me I rarely say hey slow down.  Let's just say go slow, look at your next step, and don't rush easily you can hurt yourself.
Lower part of Boulder, its gets harder.
After the boulder monsters, you hit the peak,where there are most likely alot of hikers who worked hard to get up there, but there is also people who drove up there. All wanting that Mt.Washington Sign picture. We had real food at the top, and refueled. We would take Lion's head down,which ment another round of boulders. Lion's head, looks over the entire valley, breathtaking, on our way down, we met some first time hikers from all over who looked lost and ended up leading them down. Made new friends on the way down, and hopefully when they get back out to new england we can meet up and take them on another adventure. Imagine that, your first hike, you take on the hardest in new england, that just rules.
To sum up this day, Hike Washington, do Seek the Peak, make a difference, bring your friends, your adventure is waiting for you..